Welcome to Journeys Insight Tracks - Deep Dives into Life’s Journeys. Join founder Tracy Roesch Williams for thoughtful explorations of life’s challenges and triumphs. With personal stories, tools, and her German Shepherd, we calibrate your inner compass. From Journeys Insight—subscribe!

Thursday Jun 08, 2017
Mental Toughness Episode #9
Thursday Jun 08, 2017
Thursday Jun 08, 2017
Mental Toughness or an easier softer way is this week's topic.
Life is funny. I can be moving along on life’s balance beam and BAM! My head starts chattering! I would love to tell you it always happens after a major life event, but that is not the case.
Remember to read to the end and download your free offering for the week!
This last time was right after a Spiritual Retreat! You would think that one’s head would be rested, relaxed, rejuvenated or something to that effect... I had the opposite! My head was riddled with fear, thoughts of what the heck I am doing and the list went on!
What does one do when feelings seep into our minds wanting to take over our bodies and keep us stuck in a state paralysis?
I remember hearing for the first time, “feelings are not facts” and wanting to throttle the person that said that to me as I was having feelings of despair one day. Over the last 18+ years, I have had the opportunity to surround myself with people that live in a solution for the problems that life tosses out from time to time. ... people that refuse to stay in the negative misery of whatever situation they encounter.
These people have shown up in my life as teachers and provided me with this cool toolkit for life. I used to carry a tool kit in the back of my car (it was pink, don’t judge) and every time I looked at that toolkit, I thought of the mental toolkit I have with me at all times.
So this toolkit for life rides around with me, within me. I am given a choice to stay locked into the head chatter, the negativity, the false story my head often tells me, or I can open the tool kit and use one of the tools as a solution.
Ohhhhhh, the tools. They seem so very heavy when the bumps of life or life’s “collisions” appear. Frequently, my body has a difficult time reaching for them because of their overwhelming weight!
Alas, the tools have the answers. The answers to living in the solution. They have never failed me. Something always changes or shifts when the tools are used.
I am opening up my toolkit and sharing with you what works in my life. It worked this week when Fear reared its ugly head. This time, fear tried to convince me to bail on Biz Vizion podcasting.
Fear is like a corroding thread that takes me places I no longer want to live or be around. It tries to justify negative feelings and create believable stories. Not this time!
Alaska Tracy’s Tool Kit for Mental Toughness (or an easier softer way to live life):
- Take 3 actions from your to-do list. Only 3! I know, I know; you have to get it ALL done today. Guess what? It will be there tomorrow. Do 3 things!
- PAUSE. Yup, pause! Exhaling is good. Inhaling is easy, it is the exhaling that can be troublesome.
- Read something inspiring.
- Pray (to whomever or whatever you wish).
- Meditate. Simple meditation. It can be 5-6 minutes of sitting in a chair staring at a still object. Practice not itching that scratch that is going to pop up, you know it will! Practice, practice, practice daily.
- Reach out to 2 to 10 people. Don’t complicate it. (This is often the hardest thing to do when I am caught up in Fear.) Be nice to another human. Keep it simple. Go do your errands and smile at others. Ask others how their day is, and, here is the key: listen. Do not engage in telling them about what your head is telling you. Most people don’t want to hear about you; no offense. Most of the human race is more interested in talking about themselves. So ask them. The goal here is to get out of ourselves. Stop thinking of our personal head chatter for just a few minutes. You can email people as well. Again, ask them a question about their life and listen.
- Calendar time for self-care. ie; retreats, spas, ways to enhance your soul.
- Diet and rest. You don’t need to really diet. In my experience, they have never really worked. What I mean by diet is eating balanced meals and drinking plenty of water. When in a negative mode, practice limiting sugar intake. Sugar has a way of feeding on negativity. I am not a doctor or scientist, so I can’t explain this one; however, it has been my experience. Get the amount of sleep that you need to feel rested. This does not mean napping all day.
- Exercise. You don’t have to run a marathon, hike a mountain or body build. Simple movement is key. A walk in nature will do your soul wonders. Take off your step wristband! Be gentle on yourself! Have a nice leisure walk in nature and give your mind and soul a break.
- Do a random act of kindness for someone or the planet. It can be as simple as opening up the door for someone or picking up trash on your walk. The goal here is to do it and not tell others. Sometimes by telling others or sharing on social media, we are looking for our ego to be fed. Especially when in Fear, we often look outside ourselves for validation. Look within. You’ve got this!
If you don’t feel any better or notice any shift in your soul after doing any or all of these 10 tasks, do them again the next day! Do them until your soul starts shifting into a state of gratitude. Do them until they become a part of your life. How will you know? You will know they are a part of your life when you start doing them automatically when the negative chatter or life’s turmoils return. You will know when you find yourself sharing them with others. You will know when you become more and more filled with grace and gratitude.
Alaska Tracy's Free Gift to you this week is a life-changing audiobook list compliments of author Roy Huff. Enjoy his life-changing audiobook shortlist! Thanks, Roy! This seemed appropriate this week as his book was just released! Check out Think Smart Not Hard 52 Keys Principles to Success and Happiness. I believe it ties nicely into this week's topic.
As always, if this has been helpful to you and you want to listen to more Biz Vizion with Alaska Tracy please follow over at Itunes, let me know your comments, and I appreciate you sharing.
Interested in being a part of Alaska Tracy’s Facebook Biz Vizion private group? Message alaskatracy@alaskatracy.com for an invite! Topics and discussions on business and inspiration will occur once a week and there will be an opportunity to promote your business, which is a way to grow your business community and more! Thank you. Have a productive and fun week! ~Tracy

Wednesday May 31, 2017
Episode #8: The Art of Growing Your Database
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Hello everyone and thank you for listening in today. I wanted to tell you how much I have appreciated you over the last 8 weeks. I have learned so much about podcasting.
When I started this podcast several people asked me what my goal was. A few people told me it looked like a ton of work. Several people have emailed me telling me they are learning so much each week. Those are the emails I cling on to especially when doubt and fear jump into my brain.
The original goal was to create a 90-day system and then launch one of the two online courses I have created. The weekly outline looked something like this; Podcast, Blog, Facebook Live, and Newsletter. I have remained on target with all of these except the Facebook Live. I decided to create a private Biz Vizion Facebook Group instead. Why not help those that want to learn and grow and collaborate with other like-minded folks in a more intimate setting? So, let me know if you would like to be added to that group, and I will gladly send you an invite!
The reason for the 90-day system was to find the people that are attracted to what I am teaching and give them (you!) lots of great, free info; plus, I wanted to grow my database. See, I have had a database since my first business in 2003. It has followed me with every business since I sold the first one. The people in my current database may not be interested in what I am teaching or the services I am selling. The 90-day system was a way to attract the people that are interested and want more information from me. That was the initial goal... to grow Alaska Tracy’s database. If you listen to any of my teachings you will know, I teach Vision Boards and host workshops. Have a Vision, create action steps, implement and ...here is the KEY: LET GO of the Results! The letting go is the second hardest thing; the first is starting the Vision Board.
Taking my own advice about regarding my 90-day system has been...well ...interesting to say the least.
A few Ahassss! Because of doing an interview with a resort in Alaska, a new Social Media Marketing luxury tour company hired Alaska Tracy. Biz Vizion Podcast attracted author, Roy Huff in Honolulu who contacted our team for an interview to talk about his upcoming book. Because of Roy's savvy tech and marketing skills, he introduced Alaska Tracy to more than 1,000 new followers. Several of the followers have contacted me about social media, coaching, and other industry niches. By the way, if you missed the Episode #7 where I interviewed Roy, you will want to check it out!
Has our database grown? (Remember, that was the initial goal.) Yes, it has grown!
The database is one of the foundations of the business. The company's website is the other foundation. However, if a company is not feeding and nurturing the database, it is really pointless. It sits and becomes stagnant. Take it from me, I have done both. A database that is nurtured is a database that will help your business and life grow in ways you had never dreamed.
How does one go about nurturing their database? Or, what if you don’t currently have a database? First, exhale. You are taking an action to grow your business. This is good! It is also going to take time and the “w-word”: WORK! Time and consistency equal results, always!
There are many free platforms to create or move your database. I like MailChimp. It is free up to 500 names and easy to navigate your way around. Their support is wonderful, as well.
Create an action plan. Example, I will have 100 new names entered into my database by __/__/___ date. Then, how will you get these names and email addresses? Stumped? Here are a couple of ideas for you.
- Try the old-fashioned way: pick up the phone and talk to people you know, i.e.: old clients, new clients, the stack of biz cards on your desk (I know you have them!), people you meet at networking events, etc.. Think outside the box.
- Where can you meet people that may be interested in your products, or services?
My belief on adding people to database lists is the same as adding people to Facebook Groups. ASK first. Do not assume all will want to be on your list or in your group. Take the time to ask. This allows you to connect with the person as well. Share details about your business and more importantly, ask them about their business and life. This is a great opportunity to create relationships. It is a pinnacle piece in our fast-moving, digital world and will get you further than simply adding people without having a conversation.
Have a strategy that you can tell people about and be excited about it! Here is my secret strategy: Let’s say I run into an old client in the grocery store, and we actually have a conversation. I ask about them first and foremost. If they ask about my business, I tell them. Then I casually say, “Hey, would you like to be included in my Social Sensei weekly updates?” Nine times out of ten they say, “what is that?”. So I tell them, “It is a digital update where I share weekly tips and tools to grow your business and life. I share business as well as social media tools.” If they say “sure”, I get the proper spelling of their name, business, and email address. BOOM!
Then follow through. Again, this can be difficult as it involves creating a system. First question: What are you going to give your database on a regular basis? Meaning, what info are you going to share to educate, entertain, and enlighten your database. No one likes to be sold to all the time, so a creation of content that keeps them wanting more is always a good idea. Look to those that are doing this in your industry. Follow their lead. Don’t copy, however, watch what they are doing and, more importantly, giving. It is not bad to connect with the leaders in your industry and collaborate. You could publish one of their blogs on your newsletter (with their name and info), do an interview with them, invite them to your Facebook Live or a podcast interview. Go to the leaders until you become a leader in your industry.
Just as you weed and feed your garden, your database needs the same in order for it to grow and produce results in your business!
May weeding and nurturing your database flourish your business and life!
Please feel free to comment, share or email me if you know of someone that may be a good fit for Biz Vizion with Alaska Tracy’s podcast.
Alaska Tracy’s Free Gift for you this week is 5 Tools to Find Your Purpose. Click Alaska Tracy's Free Gift and download your copy.
As always if this has been helpful to you please comment, share and remember to click the blue subscribe or follow this podcast button so the next episode will arrive in your inbox next week!
Want to connect and collaborative with other business owners discussing business, social media and inspiration? Join the Biz Vizion Connections Facebook Group .

Wednesday May 24, 2017
#7 The Gift of Inspiration with Author Roy Huff
Wednesday May 24, 2017
Wednesday May 24, 2017
Welcome to Episode #7! There are statistics that say when starting a podcast, most don’t make it past Episode #7, so I am over the moon to be here, and I appreciate you listening! Stay tuned for Episode #8!
Quick reminder, read to the end of these show notes to claim your free weekly gift.
In Episode #5, I talked about growing your business and life using Twitter. If you missed that, you may want to listen after you finish this one. The reason I mention that is because Roy Huff contacted me via Twitter regarding a possibility of being on my podcast. Roy typed in key phrases and words to find people that are podcasting and blogging. He gets how to use social media to influence his business, life and help countless people along the way! In less than one week of connecting with Roy, he has introduced me to more than 1,000 new Twitter followers! Feel free to connect with Roy on Twitter at @EvervilleFans tell him Alaska Tracy sent you!
So, this week, I had the privilege of interviewing Roy Huff. He is a research scientist, author, and teacher who overcame a family hardship plagued by poverty and mental illness. Roy moved to Hawaii after graduating high school as valedictorian a year early at age 17 with only $100 in his pocket looking to start a new life.
When I asked Roy how he found Alaska Tracy, he said he was looking to connect with like-minded people and companies to share his message and book, Think Smart Not Hard. After having a conversation which then led to the interview, I was amazed at our similarities. My purpose in life is to be of maximum service to people and to teach, inspire and encourage others to find their purpose to fulfill a rich, meaningful life. Roy’s purpose is one in the same! My hope is that Roy’s book will be in your toolkit when seeking direction, happiness, and success.
I share with you Roy’s story of HOPE and inspiration, and, wow, what a story he has! He has turned his hardships into motivation, inspiration, and opportunity. I was overly impressed with all of his accomplishments, including earning five degrees and two graduate degrees (after age 30); publishing four fiction novels, the Everville series, and ghostwritten more than a dozen fiction and nonfiction books. The words that come to mind when thinking of Roy’s accomplishments and published works are proficient, outstanding, energetic, inspiring, and clearly a man of action!
Roy’s new book, “Think Smart Not Hard: 52 Key Principles to Success and Happiness”, will launch Friday, June 9. Sign up to receive a notification when it’s released; plus, get access to Roy’s exclusive toolkit for taking immediate action to start changing and improving your life! You will not want to miss this!!!
Roy shares a few of his “52 Key Principles to Success and Happiness” with me in this interview. The “52 Principles” were created for you to implement a system in your life.
My hope, that you enjoy the interview as much as I did!!
Alaska Tracy’s Free Gift to you this week is compliments of Roy Huff. Enjoy his life-changing audiobook shortlist! Thanks, Roy!
As always, if this has been helpful to you please comment, share and remember to click the “follow” button so the next episode will arrive in your inbox next week!
Interested in being a part of Alaska Tracy’s Facebook Biz Vizion private group? Message alaskatracy@alaskatracy.com for an invite! Topics and discussions on business and inspiration will occur once a week and there will be an opportunity to promote your business, which is a way to grow your business community and more! Thank you. Have a productive and fun week! ~Tracy

Wednesday May 17, 2017
#6 Revealed By Land's End Resort Episode
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Wednesday May 17, 2017
I had the privilege of interviewing Land’s End Resort Sales and Marketing Director Mike Dye.
Remember to download Alaska Tracy’s Free Gift at the end of these show notes!
To be perfectly honest, I was a little nervous about this interview as Land’s End is well known to Alaskans as being the go-to place when staying in Homer. Alaskans provide 50% of their business! Land’s End location is perfectly situated at the end of the Homer Spit. The views of the ocean and mountains are priceless. I was fortunate enough to capture this moonrise from our bedroom (photo above)! What a pleasant surprise it was when I met with Mike.
I had asked him if he would talk about Land’s End Mission and Vision statements and share three to five secrets to Land’s End success. When I sat down to talk to Mike before our interview, I was in awe of what he told me. The Resort owner, Jon Faulkner, had spent the last 6 to 12 months with the team at Land’s End doing a renewal of their Mission, Vision, Mantra and logo. Because I host workshops, consult and coach on these foundational elements for entrepreneurs and businesses, I was overly thrilled to hear this! Most companies gloss over this core part of their organization.
Land’s End is a company that understands the importance of creating a roadmap first, which leads to attracting clientele and providing utmost service to their customers.
Jon took the time with his company to work on the core, the foundation, the very structure. When a business has a strong foundation, they can withstand the long haul. The chances of overcoming the ever-changing ups and downs of the economy are better than if the foundation is weak or if there isn’t one at all.
What a fantastic experience my parents (who were visiting from NY), husband, and I got during our two-night stay at Land’s End. I saw the pride the staff had in working at the resort, which creates an even better atmosphere to be in. What a difference taking the time to care about the team makes. After all, how can you serve others if you have no clue what direction you or your company is going?
I am so excited for you to listen to this week’s episode! Please feel free to comment, share or email me if you know of someone that may be a good fit for Biz Vizion with Alaska Tracy’s podcast.
Alaska Tracy’s Free Gift to you this week; Creating and or updating your Powerful Mission and Vision Statements.
As always if this has been helpful to you please comment, share and remember to click the follow button so the next episode will arrive in your inbox next week!
You can Like Alaska Tracy's Facebook Page and join in the live discussion on Thursday morning at 9A Alaska / 10A Pacific / 1P EST where we will discuss Mission, Vision Statements and the foundation to business. Bring your comments!

Wednesday May 10, 2017
#5 Twitter - You’ve Heard Tweets, but what about Twitter Chatter?
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Welcome to this week's Biz Vizion episode with special guest Zachary Jeans. Zach is a Keynote Speaker, Independent Strategist, and Salesforce Ecosystem Influencer. He’s all about the chatter on Twitter and goes beyond the one-sided sharing. Today, we’ll chat about the impact and why it matters; plus, for those who stay tuned, there’s a FREE gift at the end!
I was fortunate enough to meet Zach 5 or 6 years ago on a Twitter Chat called “Lead From Within” with Lolly Daskal. Zach and I and a group of leaders met every week for a few years. We formed business and personal relationships. I also did business coaching with Lolly at one point! These relationships have been instrumental in the growth of Alaska Tracy. The group of leaders refer business to one another and, more importantly, help provide business support. When I get stuck, am challenged or have a business question, I can reach out to the host of friends I connect with worldwide.
Zach has gone on to form the Tweet Chat Impact Matters on Mondays 3P Alaska / 7P EST. Tweet Chats are a great way to get yourself known as a leader in your area of expertise, even if you are just starting out.
Listen in to hear more about how Twitter and Tweet Chats can grow your business and your life. Oh, remember to follow Zack on Twitter @ZacharyJeans and tell him @alaskatracy sent you!
This week, Alaska Tracy’s FREE gift is in sync with the podcast episode. Download your FREE Tips and Tools to Make Each Tweet Count.
Twitter is a simple and often confusing platform. The question is, how can Twitter put money in a bank account? Follow these tips and tools to gain a better understanding of Twitter and how to grow your community or “following”. On Twitter, you’ll learn from others, grow your business and your life.
Thank you for listening in today! As always, if you have found this helpful remember to click the 'follow' button so you will automatically get the next episode of Biz Vizion and please share with your social media community. Hope you will join in the conversation over at Alaska Tracy's Facebook Live every Thursday at 9a Alaska / 10a Pacific / 1p EST for a discussion on the weekly Biz Vizion podcast!!

Wednesday May 03, 2017
#4 Finding Your Purpose Part 3 with David Jensen
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Episode #4: Finding Your Purpose with David Jensen
I am honored to have David Jensen of Alaska Pet-ography as my guest this week. Snafu - This was supposed to be Episode #3. I hit a tech snag - so it is Episode #4.
Remember to read to the end to be sure to claim your Free Gift of the week!
David is a lifelong Alaskan who specializes in portraits of animal companions and their people. In 1989, he and his wife, Carol, created Alaska Pet-ography, which brought his specialty to life. David has published two books: “It’s Important To Pause” and “When Age Has No Leash” and will have two more books coming out later this year.
David was kind enough to share his purpose and how it has inspired him in business and in life.
I have known David for 15 plus years and knew bits and pieces of his story but had never heard his purpose. His story has an impact that can move you to tears and is an example of how following your purpose can lead to a full, rich life! His purpose is to give back, and this generosity has the power to leave a legacy in his community. His passion with Friends of Pets has helped thousands of rescued pets find their forever homes. Through Friends of Pets, the Pet Patrol adoption feature was established and is still going strong 25 years later. This is a true testimonial of David’s kindness and love for animals!
Feel free to connect with David on his Facebook Page and purchase one of his books. Our very own Eddie is in “It’s Important To Pause”!
FYI… the seagulls, in the beginning, were some unannounced guest stars. Being that both David and I are animal-lovers and his passion lies in Pet-ography, we let the unexpected nature sounds remain! With that background noise and Layla the dog giving us love throughout the interview, we truly had a zoo-like atmosphere going on this week!
Also, I booked a photo session after our interview so stay tuned for some new photos!
If you have enjoyed this episode please click FOLLOW so you will automatically get the next episode of Biz Vizion with Alaska Tracy delivered to you!
As promised...drum roll..... Alaska Tracy's Free Gift to you!
Here is your Guide to Making Positive Changes in Life
I have followed these 10 Surefire Ways To Get Inspired! Add positivity and inspiration into your daily routine. What are you waiting for?
Download my free gift! are 10 simple (and often not easy to do) exercises to help you on the good days and the not-so-good days. These have been collected by my from others over the years and continue to work in my life.

Thursday Apr 27, 2017
#3 Three Tips To Skyrocket Your Social Media
Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Thursday Apr 27, 2017
3 Tips To Skyrocket Your Social Media
Thank you for joining this week’s Biz Vizion! I am thrilled that you are here! Stay tuned for your FREE Gift at the end of the show notes!
Some people get their feet wet, but I, on the other hand, like to jump right in. I have been known to dive into all things in life, including businesses without learning all the ins/outs, often wishing I had done more research. I don’t regret my past because, hey, what’s a road trip without a detour, right? I am now able to share my “detours” with others and hopefully help them save time and money.
Social Media is LOUD and can be overwhelming to any new business owner or anyone that may not have a marketing background. And contrary to popular belief, it does not have to take hours and hours of your time.
Today I am sharing 3 basics to help you grow your following on social media and sequentially grow your business. These basics, to some extent, may seem elementary, but the success will come if they are implemented over time. One of my favorite sayings — “there are no shortcuts” — comes to mind when implementing these. Instead of thinking of the basics as discipline, I like to think of them as practices.
I used to be a state-record swimmer in high school. I had to put in the hours of practice to get to that level. It was tedious, grueling, painful and, in the end, very rewarding. It did not happen overnight! (You get my point.) Growing a business works the same way!!
May these 3 Basics help you to create a practice that sustains and grows your business and enhances your life!
If you have enjoyed this episode please click FOLLOW so you will automatically get the next episode of Biz Vizion with Alaska Tracy.
Click Alaska Tracy’s Free Gift to Download 5 Major Mistakes Most Businesses Continue To Make using Social Media.
Please share, comment, or send any topic ideas you may have for Biz Vizion with Alaska Tracy to Alaskatracy@alaskatracy.com.

Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
#1 Finding Your Purpose & Alaska Tracy's Intro
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Where do you begin?
So, you have a fantastic idea for a business. You are over the moon about it and start telling everyone about it, announcing it on Social Media, reserving the URL, creating a Facebook Page...the whole works. Then a week later, you have a different idea, a different direction you want to go. So… you start chasing that dream.
Maybe this happens a few times.
Guess what? You are not alone. Many people do this over and over until they find their true purpose… what actually will excite them for the long haul.
Throughout the years, I have asked people if they know their life mission. I have received an array of answers. When I ask specifically if they are fulfilling their mission by doing what they love career-wise, I get one of two answers: “yes” or “no”.
The “no” people tell me they work so they can fulfill their passion in life. Their work provides them with the income necessary to live those passions out, where it be opportunities to travel, drive a Harley, buy the home of their dreams, have a wealthier retirement or whatever they have in mind. Their job provides them the resources needed in order to do what they want. They are not so caught up on where or what they do, but instead, it is more about how they can do what they want, and afford what they want, when they are not at work.
The “yes” people are all about finding a career path that feeds their “why” and purpose in life.
They are fulfilled by working and fueling their purpose.
So, how does one go about finding their purpose?
And… will that be enough for financial stability?
I am going to explain my story. I am a find-your-purpose gal living a Big Juicy Life! I immerse in a career that fuels my “why”.
Listen to my story on my Podcast here!
Grab YOUR FREEBIE Episode #1 and Thank YOU!

Saturday Apr 22, 2017
#2 Will Your Purpose Sustain Life's Challenges?
Saturday Apr 22, 2017
Saturday Apr 22, 2017
Will your purpose get you through the tough times? The times when your head questions what you are doing, you lose a client, you stumble, fear approaches, or you feel stuck. These times will appear.
My experience is if my purpose is not very strong when these times show up, I lose focus and often divert off course. My purpose or WHY must be stronger than my head chatter!
This week, I am sharing a short story about hitting a bump and fear setting. Oh, the fear was overpowering and I wanted to throw in the towel on Podcasting!!!
Guess, what? I got back up! I get to share with you how my purpose keeps me moving forward! By sharing maybe you won't make the same mistake.
I met my new friend that I talk about in the Podcast via Twitter, so it seemed appropriate that this week your Free Gift is:
Alaska Tracy’s “rules” for Etiquette on Twitter.
Thank you for listening today - as always, if you found this helpful please share with your community and comment below.
Enjoy ~