Welcome to Journeys Insight Tracks - Deep Dives into Life’s Journeys. Join founder Tracy Roesch Williams for thoughtful explorations of life’s challenges and triumphs. With personal stories, tools, and her German Shepherd, we calibrate your inner compass. From Journeys Insight—subscribe!

Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Episode 29 The Legacy of Zena Flair
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
The Legacy of Zena Flair
Thank you for listening to this very special episode! Six-year-old Zena Flair left this earth on Monday. She fought the good fight against Osteosarcoma, bone cancer, for 11 months. She was a force in my life and countless others lives, so I thought I would share the top seven legacies that she left me with. May they help you in business and in life.
- Love - No matter what - love others. When you are unhappy, sad with others, in pain, or whatever life throws at you: love.
- No whining or complaining...unless others can be helped or motivated. Helping others to move forward in life is a good thing. Sometimes whining helps to encourage this.
- Daily movement - Move your body somehow, some way each and every day. Movement helps our minds, bodies,and souls. Movement is key to longevity in life.
- Carry yourself with grace - Even when you feel defeated, afraid, sick, or frustrated. If you focus on your feeling or illness, it will intensify. What we focus on expands. So by carrying ourselves with grace, we will have grace in our lives.
- Playing is essential - Playing helps to not take oneself and life so seriously. It helps us to lighten up and laugh.
- Always be aware of your surroundings - Basically, stop and smell the flowers, hear the birds, look around you, and see the miracles that life offers you.
- Greet others with love - This helps with judgement of others and allows compassion toward others. However, it is not mandatory to be friends with everyone you encounter.
Please listen to the full episode and as always comment, share, and subscribe to hear more goodness.
Contact: AlaskaTracy@AlaskaTracy.com for a consultation and to inquire about June's exclusive Vision Mapping and Meditation Retreat in remote Seldovia, Alaska.

Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Episode 28 -Success Story with Bill Benoist
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Thank you for listening to this episode! It was an honor to interview Bill Benoist, Professional Certified Leadership and Career Coach.
There seems to be a theme when interviewing people and asking questions about their journey to success.
Six years ago I met Bill on a Tweet Chat with several other leaders. I have interviewed Terri Glass, Chris Edmonds, and Zachary Jeans. I talk about how Twitter and Tweet Chats can grow your business and your life in Episode 5. These four individuals have helped my business and life grow.
There is also a common theme among everyone I have had the opportunity to interview. The theme of their success includes key ingredients: having a Vision, listening to their heart, creating and taking steps to achieve their desired results, having supportive partners and a network of people to bounce ideas off of, letting GO and trusting the process, and above all else, giving to others. In all my interviews, success is defined when hearing from a client or someone they helped and learning how that person’s business or life has grown.
Bill’s story is the same theme. Vision plus hard work and oodles of giving to others equals heartfelt success. Bill described success as a client coming back to him telling him how their life had changed because of his help. His success was measured by his client’s successes.
Bill has been learning and nailing it on YouTube. If you are looking to take your career to the next level, whether it be through career development or career transition, Bill’s channel is for you.
Connect with Bill - www.billbenoist.com / Twitter / YouTube
Looking for clarity in your life? Want to start turning your visions into realities? Alaska Tracy's first Vision Board Retreat is June 2018 in Seldovia, Alaska. For details: AlaskaTracy@AlaskaTracy.com Early bird rate ends February 28, 2018.

Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Episode 27 ~ Life Happens
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Thank you for listening to this episode! I hope this finds you productively into the new year.
I wanted to share with you what the heck a Vision Board Guide (my business title) really is. My primary purpose in life is to serve others. One of the ways I get to do this is by guiding people, businesses, and organizations to achieve greatness via Vision Boards. ***No scissors or glue sticks involved. The goal; to create a compass for one's visions. The process is done by writing goals, action, and implementation steps necessary to actually reach the desired outcome. I facilitate the connection of one's heart to their head.
So when s#!t hits the fan, how can your Vision Board be your compass to achieving your visions? It is a pathway outlined in detail -- no photos glued on boards. Instead, I use a writing technique to go deep into exploring one’s purpose and the steps needed to achieve the desired goal and accountability. No extra fluff stuff; just a real working PLAN to get you from point A to point B.
I always focus on the Universal Law. Imagine creating action and implementation steps to actually achieve your desired goal. Guess what? The Universe responds! ALWAYS! Does this mean that we will get everything we think we want? We may, or the Universe may provide beyond what we could have ever imagined. When we let go of our desired results and let the Universe step in, ALL things are possible. So we do the work needed to obtain the results.
Now, we have all these goals and action steps written down holding us more accountable to what we said we would do. Imagine something in life appears: a death, accident, loss of some kind... a number of events could come up at any time. When these types of things happen, we tend to fall off a bit. We’re out of routine and out of the rhythm of the work we were accomplishing. For some, they never get back into the groove of things; therefore completely losing sight and progress on their goal. If there’s no roadmap to begin with, then it’s easy to get lost along the way. But, with your personal compass and Vision Board, the chances of you getting back into the swing of things is much higher than if you had nothing in place.
With clarity comes a sense of freedom. So, are you ready to take the steps to achieve the success you desire?
AlaskaTracy@AlaskaTracy.com for Vision Board Workshops or Retreats.

Monday Dec 04, 2017
Episode 26 - Speaker & Author Chris Edmonds
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Inspiration from Speaker & Author Chris Edmonds
Thank you for listening in to Episode 26. May you be enlightened and inspired by this podcast.
Five years ago, Chris and I met through a Tweetchat “Lead From Within”, that we participated in along with Zachary Jeans (from Episode 5) and Terri Klass (from Episode 25). This Tweetchat run by Lolly Daskal became instrumental in my life and in the growth of my business due to the information it contained and these leaders that it brought into my life. You, too, can use Twitter to grow your business and life. To find clarity and guidance in how to do so, listen in to episode 5: “The Power of Tweetchats.”
In today’s episode, Chris shares his Vision throughout the years, including his career with Ken Blanchard, writing “The Culture Engine” as well as six other books. It was when he hired Brand Strategist Mark Levy that he became very clear about his Vision: Make values as important as results. When he reached this epiphany, his business began to explode.
Chris asks the question, do you want a purposeful, positive, productive culture? If the answer is yes, Chris creates an “Organizational Constitution” for the clients he works with. An “Organizational Constitution” teaches leaders how to pay attention to the company's culture via trust, dignity and respect.
I asked Chris about his challenges along the way as a solopreneur. Chris outlined the struggle of being on his own and the obstacles that have made him who he is today. Throughout our chat, he used the word TRUST over and over. I appreciated when Chris talked about a challenge. He backed it up with how he used a solution for each obstacle along the way. Chris also shared advice on how he finds it important for people to surround themselves with their very own tribe. This tribe is a group of people that you can learn from, grow with, bounce ideas off of and TRUST. The tribe is based on real-life relationships. (Imagine that?!)
What a wonderful opportunity it was to have this interview with Chris!
Enjoy this episode, and please contact me if you know someone that may be a good fit for an interview on Alaska Tracy’s Podcast!

Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Episode 25 ~ Let's Talk Leadership with Terri Klass
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Thank you for listening in to Episode 25. May you be enlightened and inspired by this podcast.
I met Terri Klass 5 years ago on a Tweetchat called Lead From Within by Lolly Daskal. If you are confused and/or intrigued on how to grow your business and life using Twitter, listen in to Episode 5 with Zachary Jeans about the Power of Tweetchats.
Terri Klass is a Leadership Training Consultant, coach, and speaker who partners with organizations to create cultures of empowerment and develop future leaders. She believes that, regardless of your position or title, everyone can be a leader. She delivers highly-successful leadership workshops and is a speaker and author of articles on leadership and working with different generations in the workplace. Terri has a weekly blog on leadership where she shares challenges that leaders face daily. I encourage you to read a few of her blog posts -- her writing style is captivating! I learn so much about business, leadership and writing each time I read one of her posts. She is also a co-author of the book “Energize Your Leadership”. You can learn more about Terri at www.terriklassconsulting.com or connect with her on Twitter (@TerriKlass), Facebook (Terri Klass Consulting) or LinkedIn.
Enjoy this episode, and please contact me if you know someone that may be a good fit for an interview on Alaska Tracy’s Podcast!

Monday Oct 23, 2017
Episode 24: Words of Wisdom from Intuitive Consultant "Jenna" ~ Jenna Gessay
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Thank you for listening to Episode 24. May you be enlightened by this podcast.
As an entrepreneur, you may feel isolated, which breeds many negatives for business growth and creativity. Asking for help is a crucial step for growth and success.
Having a business coach, consultant, mentor, or group that you can bring thoughts and ideas to is essential in avoiding and walking through challenges. Think of your business as a garden. Your plants look like they are dying, and you have no idea why. If you are like me, you have taken great pride in all your efforts thus far, and you want to figure out what is wrong and how to help them. So you contact a master gardener, a gardening group, or a garden guru to help you. It is often a simple fix (like too much water for your tomatoes)! The same is true with your business. Tweaking things as you go along is as important. Someone on the outside that has no vested interest in your business can help you do this.
I met Jenna Gessay 5 years ago when Alaska Tracy was a little seedling. I was involved in a coaching group, and one of my accountability partners had worked with Jenna for her business. She was experiencing amazing results, and I wanted what she had! I hired Jenna for a 60-minute consult call. We first did a grounding exercise and practice that helped me to listen to my inner intuitive self. In total, I have had 3, 60-minute sessions with her throughout the past 5 years of my business; and each time, I have walked away with knowledge about myself, my business, my relationships, and my life. Knowledge is key, but it is what we do with that knowledge that is the game changer.
Here is some info about Jenna:
Jenna Gessay is a visionary Intuitive Consultant and a California native who finds her deepest joy helping people express their highest potential, living from a guided place using their intuition as a language to connect with the Divine. She loves traveling the world and exploring global education environments, all while connecting with Spirit to channel guidance for businesses and people of all ages. She is a passionate entrepreneur, healer, and spiritual leader; sans woo-woo. She is a whole-hearted believer in each individual and their dreams. Jenna is able to see the big picture and loves to shed light on it for each person she communicates with. She has helped thousands of people change their lives for the better through her groundbreaking Intuitive Wellness sessions and Immersion Workshops.
With a marketing degree and background working for Fortune 500 companies, Jenna is savvy in the business world and knows how to use her intuitive sensibility to bring businesses up to their highest potential. She specializes in assisting game-changers with innovative ideas to launch successful, spiritually-rooted businesses and training business leaders to operate intuitively.
After 10 years in the pharmaceutical arena, an elite biotech career, and working in teaching institutions, she is passionate about healing as an inside-out job. She teaches several workshops to help empower healing movements through the mind, body, spirit connection.
Contact Jenna:
Grounding Meditation:
Enjoy this episode, and please contact me if you know someone that may be a good fit for an interview on Alaska Tracy’s Podcast!

Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Episode 23 ~ Vision + Actions = Results (My Story)
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
October is my month! Always the month of exciting changes. I sort of thrive on the changes. I was in fear the other day and sharing my feelings of fear with a friend. She said to me, I thought you recreated yourself many times over the last 19 years? I also thought you thrived on change. I was caught! I thanked her for the reminder. I have learned feelings are not FACTS.

Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Episode 22 - When Messy Sets In
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Thank you for listening to today’s episode of the Alaska Tracy Podcast!
It is a MESSY week.
Being creative is messy. Ideas float through my head all the time. Every 5 years, I change things up in my business and my life. The truth is, I thrive on change. The reality is we all do. Imagine a world of stagnation? How dull and boring it would be.
So, how do we deal with the change in everyday life? How do we deal with the fast-paced world of Social Media where information is literally thrown our way all day, every day? How does one deal with creating a new career, business, family, or life?
First, it is going to get MESSY. That is the reality. How we deal with the mess is another story.
When messes set in, I want to crawl under the covers, eat sugar, and avoid all contact with human beings. I bet you can relate to this; and the best part of this episode is that I’m revealing it all to you. Listen in as I share my stories of messes made, the reactions that come with them, and the set of tools I turn to in order to help me cope with it all.
Oh, and by the way… here is another tool for you when dealing with the mess: Vision Boarding! I am offering a new course catered to everything Vision Boards. This short, one-hour online course is under $20! For those wanting to find their way out of the messy days and into the good stuff, living the Vision Life is for you.
Ever hear of Vision Boards? Come up with your best shot at what it is… are you thinking a collage of photographs or quotes that inspire you? Maybe a simple board with goals listed out for your biz? Or are you thinking it’s for when you have a certain goal or idea in mind that you just wish could be your reality?
Vision Boarding is all of this and more. It is whatever you make it out to be; but like any project, there are crucial first steps and necessary guidance along the way in order to reach your final destination. I can take you down the pathway that’s right for you in order to reach your goals and find your truth along the way.
Don’t just dream; be a doer in Vision Life 101, and Keep Looking Forward.
Enjoy Episode 22, and thank you for listening, sharing, commenting and subscribing. I appreciate each and every one of you.

Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Episode 21 Vision Reboot - Your Guided Meditation
Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Welcome to Episode 21 -- thanks for listening in! Has your spirit seemed restless over the last few weeks? Odds are against us with the hurricanes, earthquakes, full moon and change of seasons; but whatever the reason may be, there seems to be a bit of craziness in the air.
This week, I wanted to offer the opportunity to reboot your soul and spirit.
I create show notes for those who would rather read rather than listen; however, this week’s podcast is a guided meditation. I am going to invite you to listen in from a comfy position (preferably away from behind the wheel of your car), and I will guide you through this gentle, loving meditation for your busy, restless mind.
Dial in, enjoy, and grab ahold of the experience that can delight your soul! Click Subscribe for more goodness!

Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Episode 20 ~ Shift: What Happens When You Live a Heart Centered Life
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Welcome to Episode 20!! Thank you for being on the journey with me. When I started the Biz Vizion podcast, the goal was to record for three months and then launch my social media business course after that. Instead, I’ve had another shift in business and in life. As an entrepreneur for almost 15 years, one would think I would be used to these shifts. I still fall into “fear mode” when these shifts start, which is quickly followed by sleepless nights of excitement and visions of what’s to come next. My feet hit the floor and out comes the Vision Board, and the action steps begin for the next chapter! Years ago, I asked the universe to guide me to a business that was forever stimulating, intriguing, helping others and pushing my brain skills. Be careful what you pray for — This business has forever changed me and my life for the better!
Confession: when I started podcasting, I had no plan! Can you believe it? From me: the Vision Board Guide. Podcasting was not even on my January Vision Board. Anyone that knows me, knows that I believe in the power and strength of Vision Boarding. So, how did this happen?
Well, it sort of was on my Vision Board…
I had a category about teaching business workshops online and in-person. I then taught a Vision Board workshop to a group of photographers and received the most wonderful feedback. My heart sings when facilitating this sort of workshop. I knew this was the pathway.
This summer, I attended a yoga retreat at a magical, off-the-grid location in Alaska. I was hours into the retreat when I heard, very clearly, from somewhere deep within, “create a Vision Board Retreat HERE; you owe it to others.” I went home and amped up my meditation practice. I started practicing before random social media scrolling. When I woke up (and made coffee, of course!), I’d read something inspiring, (I have three books going now.) and then meditate for 6-10 minutes. Again, the voice would chime in, “Now is the time! Create the Vision Board classes, workshops, and retreat!” So, here we go!
More is unfolding, and I will share the details and offerings as they come together in future podcast episodes, so stay tuned and remember to subscribe.
I am a believer in the tactic that when you follow your heart and take actions to achieve a heart-centered life, doors guiding you in the right direction will open.
Enjoy Episode 20, and thank you for listening, sharing, commenting and subscribing. I appreciate each and every one of you.