Welcome to Journeys Insight Tracks - Deep Dives into Life’s Journeys. Join founder Tracy Roesch Williams for thoughtful explorations of life’s challenges and triumphs. With personal stories, tools, and her German Shepherd, we calibrate your inner compass. From Journeys Insight—subscribe!

Friday Apr 26, 2019
#39 Love: Fishing, Cooking and Adventures in Between
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Welcome to Alaska Tracy podcast. I am thrilled that you are here and so excited to share this episode with you.
I was following a lady on Instagram and became very intrigued with her photos as well as seeing that she had just written a cookbook . . . lo and behold, this is her fifth cookbook in print. So I asked her for an interview and she said yes! I had no idea what to expect when I started the interview with LaDonna Rose Gunderson.
When I clicked on “video,” LaDonna and her husband Ole were sitting in their car in the Ketchikan harbor smiling back at me. They said this was the best place for reception in Ketchikan. Come to find out LaDonna and Ole have one of the most amazing stories!!! I had tears in my eyes in the first 5 minutes! Their story is one of adventures, overcoming challenges, and an amazingly beautiful marriage of 34 years. They spend all their time together and a lot of it working side-by-side on their 32-foot aluminum fishing boat in Southeast Alaska. So the interview ended up being way more than I could’ve ever expected. Actually, I had no idea, as I always feel divine intervention when asking people to be on my podcast. I could have talked to them for hours! If you have any questions, comment below and we can do a follow-up interview.
Please listen to the end to hear the story of how LaDonna ended up becoming a writer. Her first book was written because of a challenge they were facing. It was pivotal in shifting everything in their lives!
What an honor this divine meeting was, and I look forward to giving them both a hug in person someday. Ketchikan is on my bucket list! When I stopped recording we laughed and laughed and told even more stories. The evening after the interview I was lit up with excitement, wonder, and amazement. There are so many fascinating people in the world that we can learn and grow from, and LaDonna and Ole are two of those people.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy listening to this story of love, inspiration, oh and cooking! I learned a few wonderful tips about marriage and shared them with my husband after the interview!
I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did doing it. You can read more about LaDonna Rose and buy her new book, The Little Alaskan Crab Cookbook at http://ladonnarose.com and connect with her (tell her Alaska Tracy sent you) on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest.
Thanks again for joining in. As always, subscribe, share, comment, and enjoy..

Friday Mar 15, 2019
Episode 38 A Life & Business with Intention
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
“Live your life on purpose.” —Crystal Paine
With the help of an amazing community and mentor in my life (and a super supportive husband), the new business logo and tagline is completed!
The logo that was in use in the past was geared toward social media marketing which the company was helping businesses with from 2011-2016. In 2016 the business shifted to Vision Mapping, essentially helping business owners to create an intentional 12-month plan for success. It blossomed into workshops, retreats, working with management teams and women’s retreats, all with a common purpose: to guide businesses and individuals through a detailed system I created over my 20 years as an entrepreneur. This system is a visually written plan with actions, accountability, and success tracking. It serves as a compass to achieving the desired results.
The finished product (compass) is strategically built so that when life happens, the specifics, e.g., dates, times, who, what, when, where, and how will encourage one to get back on the path to success. What happens along the way is often said to be transformational. Often fear arises,, which is essentially what had blocked the person from moving forward. Once we work on walking through the fear, the transformation can begin! This system works 100% of the time when completed. That being said, often the results are beyond one’s wildest dreams. An example: I worked with a management team . . . taking them through the system. We worked on their Vision Map for 4 weeks. Eight months later they are number one in their industry throughout the country! It is proven that when you take a vision, put it on paper, and line out the steps to get there, the chances of reaching that vision are 98% higher than only thinking about the vision. A mind-shift happens when writing, discussing with another person and then being held accountable. I have seen it work in my life and others over and over. It is thrilling to watch people’s lives and businesses change!
Are you struggling with reaching your Visions/Goals? Too busy working in the business than on the business? Let’s have a consultation for free to see if my system is right for you and or your company. Click Free Consultation.
Are you a woman in business looking to transform and grow your business and life? Join the 2nd annual Women’s Business Rejuvenation Retreat June 7-9, 2019 in remote Seldovia, Alaska, one of Alaska’s most beautifully majestic seaside towns. Your Guided Vision Board Retreat serves as a stress-related escape and soul-searching experience, all in one place. If you’ve been looking to explore your dreams and desires and make them a reality, this is the year to finally take the action steps to reach them. You will want to get in on the early bird rate that ends March 31st. In order to make this retreat effective, productive, and personal, it is limited to 9 women. This exclusive workshop experience is perfectly catered toward those who are looking to take their ideas, visions, and goals and make them a reality. We will go deep into writing, meditating, and even more writing. Discover your mantra, hidden goals, and effective action steps. Your work will help free you from what has been holding you back from living your best life. Get ready to stare your fears and doubts in the face.
7 reservations remain! Book your spot today! Women’s Business Rejuvenation Retreat
The team here at Alaska Tracy has been busily at work updating the website and logo, and we’re close to unveiling a new online course and accountability program!
Alaska Tracy’s primary purpose is to serve others, and she chooses to do so through her Vision Mapping technique. She calls upon her 21 years of marketing and business experience to create this unique Vision Mapping method. Alaska Tracy looks forward to watching your Visions become your Reality. Tracy’s career is structured solely around guiding people, businesses, and organizations to achieve clarity and greatness.
Did you know that almost everyone dreams? How about you? Do you have spectacular ideas about how your business will succeed? Are you wanting to grow, to move forward with these dreams in business and in life, yet have no idea where to start? Do you feel overwhelmed with your business? Let’s have a conversation! Let’s talk! Click and schedule your 20-minute free call today! P.S. You can be anywhere in the world: I have you covered! I also do work with management teams and can customize a workshop and/ or retreat for your association, group, or business team!
Let me know your needs and how I may help you create your customized Vision Map to guide you to your success!
*as always feel free to share!

Friday Jan 04, 2019

Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Episode #36 - Surrendering All Fears
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
The Holidays can be oh so very stressful for many of us! Stress can keep us stuck, depressed, feeling hopeless and out of control. It is an icky place to be, take it from me! I wanted to share with you how I walked through FEAR of the recent Earthquake in Alaska.
Mother Nature is beyond our control as well as many of life's uncertainties. We can control how we react to situations and life's obstacles. We can control what we are focusing on. Life will happen and we get to choose how we will react and how we will treat others.
One of the tools I use is meditation. Meditation is a way of creating a 'pause' in all my reactions. New or unclear how to start a meditation practice? Check out Episode #21 Vision Reboot where I guide you through a short meditation. I also have practiced guided meditation with Tara Brach for years. She has helped me when flying and hitting turbulence in the air and on the ground! She offers a Facebook Live Guided meditation weekly too.
Remember to subscribe to catch the latest Alaska Tracy Podcast Episode. Want to up your game in 2019? Create your PLAN for success! Your written detailed plan will have accountability practices to keep you focused when life's obstacles appear! Alaska Tracy offers one-on-one mentoring and Vision Mapping / Meditation Retreats. Here is the Upcoming 2019 Retreat or get on the waitlist for Summer 2019 in Seldovia, Alaska! http://ow.ly/xA3T30mEP8e
May your Holiday season be filled with a sense of calmness and amazement. Thanks for listening, sharing and commenting.

Monday Oct 22, 2018
Episode #35 Author Karlene Cameron on Perseverance
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Welcome to this week’s episode of The Alaska Tracy’s Podcast. I am honored that you are listening! Please subscribe for more goodness and feel free to share and or comment.
What an honor to connect and get to know the amazing Karlene Cameron. Karlene and I connected on Twitter (again great way to build your business and life). She is an author, Business Owner, Marketing Professional, Professor, Mom, and Wife.
Her story is a story of perseverance, belief, and determination to become a published author of 5 books.
For years she worked in the corporate world and still does as a marketing professional. She also taught as a University professor. 13 years ago she found herself going through the motions of a horribly boring daily routine craving something more. She was feeling unfulfilled, trudging through each day and at the time a single mom raising 3 young children. She was working on her MBA in the evening and struggling to make ends meet. Focused on being a good parent and trying to find a little slice for herself.
Karlene sent me her remarkable story, and here it is:
About 12 or 13 years ago, I was bored...going through the motions of a horribly boring daily routine. I wanted something more...I felt unfulfilled, slogging my way through the corporate 9-5. At the time, I was a single mom raising three very young children, trying to earn my MBA in the evening, struggling to make ends meet, be a good parent to my kids, and still try to find some time in there for me. I was disappointed with the romance novels I was reading, so I decided to start writing a romance novel! At first, I kept quiet about it ...for many years. I didn't want to explain my failures if it didn't work out.
The novel, Dark Awakening, took 10 years to write. While some of the delay was simply trying to find time to write, I also didn't know what I was doing (lots of mistakes my editor had me fix later!), and of course, life events didn't have a way of helping! I told myself so many stories and made excuses ..."I'm not good enough to be a writer, who would want to read this, why am I trying so hard, what do I have to prove?"...the list goes on. I was my own worst enemy! During those 10 years, the children graduated, I graduated, I found true love (got married), moved, bought a new home, made new friends, lost old ones, and changed jobs (several times). There were lean times and there were not-so-lean times, but I never gave up on my novel. When I finished the book and knew it was time to start a concerted hunt for a publisher, the self-doubt came out in full force! My husband encouraged me and I sent the first round of query letters to about 20 publishers. Of the first batch, two publishers were interested: Vanilla Heart Publishing and Black Velvet Seductions! I chose the latter, and the rest is history.
Now, I'm halfway through the third book, Dark Storm, which I expect to complete this year. Dark Gathering (the second book was released last year). I've learned a lot, made some mistakes, but I just keep moving (I feel a bit like Dory in Finding Nemo; keep on swimming, keep on swimming...)
So I'm definitely no stranger to struggles.
I'm also a business owner. About 2 years ago, I decided to launch my own marketing business, MKS Solutions. That has been a whirlwind as well, but with every roadblock, I keep pushing forward.
My goal, says Karlene, is to be profitable in my business within 5 years (so I can quit my corporate job), and have 5 books in publication. I'm getting there…and you can find her website at https://karlenecameronbooks.com
This week's episode is sponsored by Alaska Tracy's Vision Journal. Your guided Vision Journal takes you on your very own journey of creating your compass for business and or life! Order your's today via Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Vision-Journal-Your-Mapping-Guide

Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Episode 34 Clarity After the Fog
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
“Take actions to move through the fog and rejoice in the clarity that unfolds.” ~ Tracy Roesch Williams
Last night I arrived back to reality after 6 weeks of retreat planning and doing, family visiting, and walking through fear. Again because of my Vision Map, I landed on the other side of growth.
On my Vision Map, last summer was the Vision to create and implement a Women's Vision Mapping / Meditation Retreat in a remote location in Alaska. That Vision came to fruition in June. The retreat was filled with magical, growth moments as each of the women completed their Vision Maps. We took time out for a four-hour kayak adventure, ate amazing food, and shared intimate stories that moved me to my core. I came home and my brother, his wife, and our niece and nephew visited our Alaska Adventure Home. I have lived here 21 plus years and this was their first visit. We had planned 8 days of adventure and enjoyed each and every moment together. I took a full 8 days off from the business to be fully present.
Then the FEAR set in. Fear of . . . What next? Another retreat? More workshops? Consulting one on one? Selling my journal? WHAT? I sat still and did nothing...I take that back. I scrolled randomly on Social Media and went into that Social Media hole. Maybe you can relate. Have you ever gone down the Social Media endless HOLE? The hole that sucks you in and takes hours away from your reality?
When teaching and consulting, my answer for this state of affairs is to go back to meditation, writing, and finding the core that may have you stuck. After that process (which may take some intense work), take the info you gathered and share it with a mentor, coach, confidant. Then and only then can we break free and move into action. So, because I am uncomfy preaching and skipping the practicing part, I got into action! I then called a mentor (or two) and found the root of my fear. Then the AHAAAAaaaas!!!! And then into actions to move me and the business forward. Oh, the light at the end of the fear is so BRIGHT and magical! There, beyond the fear, can be clarity, focus, and joy.
Enjoy this episode as I share the journey through the fog, to the other side of fear and the magic that ensued as I ventured up the foggy mountain the following day and my thoughts shifted.
Please subscribe, comment and share - and Hey, Thank YOU!!!
*Are you feeling stuck? Is your business feeling stuck or at a point of shifting, changing, growing? How can a Vision Map work for you? I have created a 5 step Vision Mapping process where I work with you and or your business. I guide you and or your team through a 12-month Vision Map that you design. You can gain clarity on the individual’s roles within your organization. Then we discuss actions, measuring the actions and accountability, all while keeping check that you are in alignment with your ultimate Vision. Let’s have a conversation to see if we are a good fit, AlaskaTracy@AlaskaTracy.com
Looking for a more do it yourself approach? All Access Pass to Your Vision Mapping System
or Vision Journal by Alaska Tracy via Amazon.

Thursday May 10, 2018
Episode 33: Constellation Shopping Services Story of Success
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
Lindsay Nielsen - Constellation Shopping Services
Thank you for listening to this week’s episode of The Alaska Tracy’s Podcast.
What an honor to speak with Lindsay about her creation of Constellation Shopping. Lindsay took the pain point and words often heard by those of us living in Alaska, “sorry we don’t ship to Alaska” and created a successful business.
If you live in Alaska, you know how it is. You hop on a furniture site, fall in love with a piece, and get all the way to the ordering part, and you see that they do not ship to Alaska. Oh, the frustration!!! But, wait! Constellation Shopping Services will connect the dots! Take a look on their site https://www.constellationshopping.com to see some of the brands that they have shipped for our customers. Lindsay says we are not a shipping company, we are a shopping service. Lindsay says, “we can ship from any store that takes orders online or by phone!”
Her own experience begin as a child growing up in Alaska and experiencing different stores in the ‘lower 48’ when traveling and being amazed. She knew from very early on Alaska was missing out.
Now as e-commerce has become a part of our daily lives, it’s still difficult for many people to ship to Alaska, especially when it comes to furniture.
Lindsay’s business plan started with the customer’s experience at the forefront. She launched Constellation Shopping Services at the toughest time of the year in business in Alaska: January. She had her first client before she even flipped on her “open” sign. Within the first few months, orders flowed in to prove that Constellation is a business much needed in Alaska.
As Constellation Shopping Services comes upon year three, Lindsay continues to be active in community networking groups. Constellation Shopping’s goal is to branch into the design aspect of putting your space together i.e.; Ikea kitchens. I know from first-hand experience, as Lindsay has helped me with a few of my designs for our unique log home.
Listen in to hear Lindsay’s full story and click “subscribe” to stay up to date on the latest Alaska Tracy Podcast.
For more Alaska Tracy goodness, subscribe: Alaska Tracy Podcast Itunes
Please share, comment, and if you know someone who may be a good fit for an interview, please drop me a note alaskatracy@alaskatracy.com.
This Episode sponsored by Alaska Tracy’s Exclusive Vision Mapping & Meditation Retreat.

Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Episode 32: Liz Eldridge Spice and Tea Exchange
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Thank you for listening to this week’s episode of The Alaska Tracy’s Podcast.
This week’s featured interview is with Liz Eldridge owner of The Spice and Tea Exchange in Anchorage, AK. Liz shares the story of how her franchise business, The Spice and Tea Exchange came to be in 2015. When asked about her Vision as a business owner, she said she had never dreamed of becoming a business owner until she had a turning point in her life as an accountant. Since early childhood, she’d had a strong passion for cooking. She went on to share the excitement of creating a business plan, followed by the wonderful unfolding of The Spice and Tea Exchange and its beautiful location in Anchorage, Alaska.
As the Alaska Small Business Development Center says, “Featuring a wide-range of high-quality spices, teas, sugars, and salts, the Exchange is home to a number of hard to find and unique seasonings, blends and teas....Entering the shop is like immersing yourself into an old-world marketplace where the sights and smells will inspire you to try something new and exciting. And if the store alone isn’t enough- their amazing website is home to a wealth of delicious recipes including Garden Garlic Bread, Lavender Lemon Cupcakes, and BBQ Bacon Brie.”
Liz’s brilliant community involvement has led to speaking and inspiring young entrepreneurs as well as incorporating events to include many partners in business. She has a creative marketing way about her as well as a strong desire to serve and delight each guest who enters her location on O’Malley Centre Drive in Anchorage.
To find out about the events offered, visit: https://www.facebook.com/pg/spiceandtea/events
What a gift to learn more about Liz and her business and discover some amazing recipes!
For more Alaska Tracy goodness, click the subscribe button. Please comment and share. As always, feel free to email AlaskaTracy@AlaskaTracy.com if you know of someone that has a story of their Vision to Success to share on Alaska Tracy's Podcast.
This Podcast Sponsored by Alaska Tracy's Vision Mapping / Meditation Retreat in Seldovia, Alaska this June. This retreat is exclusive to 15 women looking to change, grow, gain clarity in business or life. AlaskaTracy@AlaskaTracy.com to set up a 15-minute conversation to see if this is the retreat for you!

Thursday Mar 29, 2018

Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Episode 30: Let Go of The Struggle & Get Into the Solution with The Business
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
What an honor to interview Christine, The Business MD. I have known her for years and yet this interview solidified that she is the “real deal.” I learned much from our conversation about her experiences that is valuable for me and the clients I work with.
Christine’s expertise is her special recipe featuring her passion for helping people, businesses, and organizations dive deep within to create authentic change in business and in life.
Her skills and strategies put people in the emotional driver’s seat, helping them to navigate through lifelong challenges and allowing alterations inside. This is the beginning of an opening for change, growth, and new opportunities to blossom individually and within the organization.
Christine shares her story from Chicago to Alaska and WOW, what a LEAP of Faith story she has! I got teary eyed several times. Her career in Sales Engineering led her on an Alaskan adventure in 2001. She signed up and headed to Alaska on a mountaineering course (btw, she had never hiked mountains). While alone on a glacier, she heard a voice from deep within her soul telling her about a Vision for her business and life. She knew she would be making the move to Alaska. Returning to Chicago with this newfound Vision, she started setting intentions and actions into place. Christine made the move to Alaska one year later in 2002.
Upon arrival in Alaska, Christine knew she would need to go back to college in order to gain the knowledge needed to help others get to their root causes. So, while consulting as an entrepreneur full time, she went to school full time. Christine completed her master’s degree at Alaska’s APU and then went on to complete her research, earning a Ph.D. in the process. Christine is truly a determined, knowledgeable individual.
When working with Christine you can expect to start with her "Emotional Intelligence Assessment.” This can be done online from anywhere you live. The purpose of this is for you to give Christine 3 to 4 questions that you want answered about yourself. Yes, that is not a typo. Questions about yourself. An example:“Why do I feel the urge to run when success starts appearing in my life?” Now get this, you answer the questions and send them back to Christine for her to analyze. So in other words, what fear are you wanting to discover as the underlying condition? Christine can then help navigate you along the path of opening up to change and allowing growth opportunities to flow in.
Ready to change and grow in ways you never dreamed? You can get hold of Christine at www.thebusinessmd.net You can fill out the form on her site and let her know your concerns and challenges. She also likes phone calls too; 907.223-8403.
Thank you for listening to this week’s Episode and remember to click subscribe to catch the newest episode loaded with inspiration and tips and tools for business and marketing.
Hey ladies, have you heard about Alaska Tracy’s Exclusive Vision Mapping / Meditation Retreats? Contact: AlaskaTracy@AlaskaTracy.com