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Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
#69 ~ Frustrations to Freedoms as an Entrepreneur with Pete Mohr
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Welcome to this week’s episode of Alaska Tracy Podcast!
If you are an entrepreneur feeling stuck, and overwhelmed, this is the podcast for you. In this interview with Business Coach Pete Mohr, he will share important insights to help you create foundational frameworks.
Pete’s works with those entrepreneurs looking for insights on transforming frustrations into freedoms by using a variety of frameworks. These help entrepreneurs cut through the chaos and overwhelm of running a business.
With over 25 years as a business owner, Pete’s refined many of his tips, tools, and techniques in the trenches within his own businesses. I was most impressed that Pete owns a few businesses!
Pete’s motto: “You own your business; it shouldn't own you.”
“It's time to start using frameworks that allow you to have a turnkey business so that you can live the life you deserve!”
May this episode inspire you to reach out to Pete or me (for your Free-Strategy call) to get going on creating systems and a foundation for your business that will transform your life!!!
Pete’s Contact Links:
Website: https://simplifyingentrepreneurship.com/
Call to Action: Take the Assessment button on the website
Email: pete@mohr.coach
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/petermohr/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petemohr_coach/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peter.s.mohr/
Clubhouse: @petemohr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SimplifyingE
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8yFcIF-Y556TazJSQMNWow
Thank you for listening to this Alaska Tracy Podcast Episode. Please leave a comment, review, and share with your friends!

Monday Oct 11, 2021
#68 ~ How Manifesting Can Shift Your Mindset and Transform Your Life
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Introduction: Welcome to another episode of the Alaska Tracy Podcast, where we dive into topics that inspire and empower you to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. In today's episode, we're exploring the power of manifesting and how it can help you shift your mindset to achieve your goals and dreams. So grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.
Segment 1: The Power of Perception Have you ever noticed that when you start looking for something, it suddenly seems to be everywhere? It's like when you're searching for a car ...let's say a blue 4Runner, and suddenly you spot them on every street corner. But are there really more 4Runners out there, or are you simply noticing them because you're focusing on them? This phenomenon illustrates the power of perception and how our mindset shapes our reality.
Segment 2: Demystifying Manifestation Manifestation often gets misconstrued as a magical process where you simply think about something and it magically appears. But in reality, it takes more than wishful thinking. It takes faith, work, desire, and letting go. I share my personal journey with manifestation and how it required commitment, practice, and perseverance over a period of time. It's not about having superpowers; it's about having a strong desire to put in the necessary effort to achieve your goals.
Segment 3: The Beauty in the Journey Manifestation is not an overnight process. It's a journey that can take days, months, or even years. Along the way, you'll encounter challenges, setbacks, and moments of doubt. But with faith and unwavering dedication, you'll witness the magic unfold. I recount a recent manifestation in my own life that took years to come to fruition and how it has deepened my faith and touched my heart and soul.
Segment 4: Finding Hope and Belief In this episode, recorded during a captivating lightning storm in Manzanillo, Mexico, my aim is to ignite hope within you. I want you to believe that you have the power to reach for your desires and achieve your goals. Manifesting is about tapping into your inner strength, persevering through challenges, and embracing the beauty of the journey. It's about living a life beyond your wildest dreams.
Conclusion: Thank you for joining me on this transformative episode about the power of manifesting. I hope it has sparked a flame of inspiration within you to pursue your desires and believe in the magic of your dreams. Remember, manifesting is not reserved for the chosen few; it's a path that anyone can embark on with dedication, faith, and unwavering commitment. Stay tuned for more empowering episodes, and until next time, keep manifesting and living your extraordinary life.
To hear this episode click Alaska Tracy Podcast
Disclaimer: The Alaska Tracy Podcast is for educational and inspirational purposes only. Results may vary. Please consult a professional for personalized advice.

Monday Sep 13, 2021
#67 ~ Change Your Handwriting Heal Your Life with Misty Cogdill
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
In this Alaska Tracy Podcast episode, I sit down with Misty Cogdill who is the founder and CEO of the Handwriting Soul Academy. As the number 1 best-selling author of the book “You Can Heal Your Life with Handwriting”, Misty has been studying the benefits of handwriting for over a decade.
Misty works with business owners, network marketers, entrepreneurs, coaches, speakers, and service professionals, or anyone who wants to increase their business and reach their goals. Using hypnosis through handwriting and the power of questions, Misty is able to extract her client’s full potential.
Prior to getting married, Misty had always wanted to teach others the importance of handwriting and help them change their handwriting techniques. Her mother had always wanted to change her handwriting, even when Misty was a little girl. Misty noticed this desire and began questioning the significance of handwriting and became fascinated with the relationship between handwriting and what it tells us about one’s inner self.
Misty explains that when you’re looking at handwriting in general, big and bubbly handwriting is an expression from the heart. Tiny and pointy handwriting is an expression of intellect. Handwriting is a graphic representation of our subconscious thought patterns and a map on paper of how we think internally.
After getting married, Misty felt this shift after changing her name. Your name is your identity and when you write it down or sign your name, you’re telling the universe that this is who you are. Gradually you become what you write down and you become reflected in your style of handwriting. When you get married, you take on a new name, with a new signature, and a new persona. Misty explains that when you shift the way you write, you shift your blockages. Making small adjustments with your handwriting can help you heal, grow and shift negative obstacles.
Reflecting on her own life and experiences, Misty was bubbly, extroverted, and had a huge passion for life. During her marriage, she became a new version of herself; someone with less energy, less drive, and was becoming more of an introvert. Misty questioned all of this, and could not figure out answers to where her old self had disappeared to. After 6 years of marriage, Misty got divorced and reclaimed her maiden name back. Of course, this came with the return of her old signature, and gradually, her old self. Within less than a year, Misty was on the path to becoming her familiar, bubbly self that she missed tremendously.
Moving on to work in real estate, Misty was able to see a plethora of signatures from various different clients when signing for homes. She used this as her own classroom for understating and analyzing people’s signatures and handwriting. Misty learned that certain letters of the alphabet can tell a lot about your personality. When we fall in love, get divorced, or survive a serious illness, we dramatically alter our concept of life. As a result of this, our handwriting changes. Changing the way letters are written can help us on our journey of self-development and changes within our lives and Misty has dedicated her life to experimenting and fact-finding these techniques.
Misty re-enforces this powerful message by going on to explain that changing your handwriting can help you get rid of old habits and limitations. These limitations can hold you back from the thing that you truly desire in life and Misty has now created a method of empowering people to clear these generational patterns. By shifting your handwriting, your old patterns are deconstructed and you let go of familiar patterns that may hold you back. Unlike other coaches, Misty is able to develop specific coaching to help you reach your goals by analyzing personality traits and blocks found in your handwriting.
Misty offers incredible coaching packages that inspire others to learn handwriting patterns that mirror their best traits, bringing their soul’s true potential to the surface. Misty’s number one best-selling book “You Can Heal Yourself with Handwriting” can be found on Amazon and you can also reach out via her Handwriting Soul Academy website. The Handwriting Soul Academy is on all social media platforms and there is a public Facebook group where Misty goes live twice a week. You can contact Misty via email at Mistycogdill888@gmail.com to find out more about her offerings.
01:10: Introduction
05:44: The shift
08:14: Before Handwriting analysis
08:49: Realization
10:10: Is there anyone else?
11:20: When did you start consulting?
18:45: How can we contact Misty
19:53: How do you define success?

Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
#66 ~ Speak Fearlessly with Carissa Karner
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
In this episode, I sit down and talk with Carissa Karner, an extraordinary, powerful speaker and coach based in California. Carissa helps purpose-driven professionals and entrepreneurs learn techniques on how to speak with authority, lead with their hearts and touch lives with their powerful messages.
As a certified Clinic-CoachÆ, a licensed psychotherapist, an actress with a plethora of experience on stage, a TEDx presenter and on the way to becoming a certified world-class speaking coach, she draws together a supply of tools that help you gain confidence when speaking in public.
Growing up in the mountains of Yosemite, Carissa was always a shy child. A self-confessed scared little girl, Carissa spent a lifetime hiding in fear of not being able to use her own voice or to be seen amongst the crowd. Excelling at dodgeball, Carissa was able to wear a “cloak of invisibility” to hide from whoever had the ball. This metaphoric situation was actually a representation of her childhood; always hiding from her true self. In 6th grade, Carissa found a passion for acting where she was able to be silly, bigger and louder. This was the first step in her realization that she was destined for a career on the stage and with an amazing teacher and family behind her for support, she was able to go on to pursue an acting degree.
Carissa carried this feeling of self-repression even into her acting career with a sense that she was using acting to ‘hide’ behind a character, using someone else’ words. Was she ever really being her true self or was this career another way of hiding behind something? Realizing that she may not be alone with this, Carissa knew that famous actors, professionals and entrepreneurs (whilst good at what they do) also possess feelings of fear and judgement. The fear of unearthing imperfections or being judged for not having it all together prompted Carissa to pursue a graduate degree in psychotherapy with the aim of helping others to speak fearlessly as themselves.
This shift towards a career in psychotherapy allowed Carissa to help those who may suffer from issues that hold them back in life such as imposter syndrome or stage fright. Drawing upon her childhood and early adult experiences, she knew that when you confidently use your voice anywhere it opens doors to be successful everywhere. By knowing what to say and how to say it effectively, Carissa can guide individuals to create mic dropping speeches that entice audiences but also perfectly showcase the best version of YOU.
Being on the other side of this ‘lack of self-confidence’ feeling has provided Carissa with the tools to help you feel calm, confident and prepared to use your voice in any situation. Feeling comfortable and confident when speaking will not only help drive your business, sales or personal growth but it will also produce visibility and self-assurance. Carissa knew that one-on-one therapy was still masking her true personal growth and it was another method of not being seen whilst listening to others speak instead. This safe behaviour was another guard that obstructed her ability to let her own voice be heard loud and clear.
After being invited to speak at a TEDx talk titled “The art of being your own best friend”, Carissa knew that this experience would prompt a shift in her own personal development. Guided by her own therapy, coaching and learning, Carissa learned how to accept her imperfections and embraced being human. After experiencing her TED talk, she started to think about moving beyond 1-2-1 therapy and onto the subject of helping others in a different way. Of course, that old faithful imposter syndrome made it hard for her to accept this shift at first, but over time Carissa knew that she had the skills and was worthy enough to help people with public speaking whilst boosting their confidence.
With the intention of touching people’s hearts and changing people’s lives, Carissa weaves all parts of her journey into helping others overcome fears and anxieties that surround speaking in public. By extracting her client’s goals or achievement plan she is able to understand and connect with them on a deeper level, providing them with a service tailored to suit their individual needs. It is evident that Carissa is client-centered and strives to make sure that people are showing up, speaking up, and knowing what to say and how to say it effectively.
Carissa has a toolbox of techniques that allows people to make deeper connections with their audiences and creates a space of dialogue, interaction, and engagement. Techniques such as a call to action, solidifying a beginning and an end when speaking, as well as tips on being a good listener, are all pointers that Carissa endorses to make your voice stand out from the crowd.
You can reach out to Carissa by emailing Carissa@fearlessspeak.com or join her free Facebook community group ‘Fearless speakers in training’.
Here is your FREE Downloadable Biz / Life Planning Action Sheets to get started on living the life you desire: https://www.alaskatracy.com/pl/2147521913
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00:55 Introduction and welcome
02:40 Clarissa’s background
06:20 The shift
09:36 The acting journey
11:29 Psychotherapy journey
12:56 What promoted this?
17:30 What would be a way to work with a client?
18:55 The YOU focus
23:40 What could be missing?
25:55 The beginning and the end
28:18 Pop up workshops and group coaching
30:00 How do you define success?

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
#65 - Digital Marketing Success - The Ultimate SEO Guide with Eric Seropyan.
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Eric Seropyan is a digital marketing strategist and owner of ‘This Is My South Bay’ digital marketing agency, located in the South Bay region of Los Angeles. In this episode, Eric and I discuss the importance of SEO and why small businesses should be using Facebook, Instagram, Google, and more to promote their message.
To reach out to Eric and to find out more about his services, visit his website www.thisismysouthbay.com where you can make an appointment for a free 15-minute consultation. Eric and his team will be more than happy to provide advice on how to drive potential clients to your website.
Read more show notes go to Alaska Tracy Podcast
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01:50 Introduction
03:24 Eric’s background
05:28 Before Digital marketing
06:30 Google analytics explained
10:08 Social media VS website?
14:02: SEO from business pages
16:26 The importance of consistency
20:40: What can a client/ business owner expect from Eric?
26:12: Words of wisdom
27:31: Definition of success?
28:48: Contact Eric

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
#64 - Valiant Vitality - Reprogramming your Inner & Outer Self with Amy Gernaat
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
In this inspirational episode, I get the chance to talk with Amy Gernaat, who is the founder of Amy G Vitality Coaching and Mentorship at the Vitality Coaching Academy. To connect with Amy, you can reach out to her via her Facebook page Amy Gernaat/ Amy G Vitality, or email amygernaat@gmail.com.
In some magical way, the universe brought us together and Amy has been professionally helping me grow and develop not only my connection with food but assisting me with my business, relationship advice, vitality, and wellbeing.
This motivational superwoman has overcome a number of life obstacles before realizing that the nutritional and accomplished lifestyle she now leads, is the one she wants to share with others. Amy shares her expertise with me from her home in Texas where she discusses the adjustments that we can all make to live a healthy and fulfilled life.
To Read More show notes and download your free Self-Sabotage be gone tool-kit here --> Episode #64 Alaska Tracy Podcast
03:44 How did you go to where you are today/ what was your childhood like?
05:15 How did you feel about your body growing up?
08:06 What did you do after high school?
09:58 And then?
16:20 When were you starting your business?
17:07 How Tracy and Amy met.
23:28 Amy’s health crisis explained
35:12 How do you define success?

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
#63 ~ A Place to Call Home Life After Foster Care with Stacey Huish
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
In this episode, we are going to get to know a true story about determination, hard work, and positivity. Stacey Huish’s story is one of a kind about making connections through more than four hundred people.
Read More & get your free 5 Practices for Increasing Calmness: https://www.alaskatracy.com/podcast
3:50 what’s her story?
6:52 what did your parent think about your vision at an early age?
7:30 when did you Start gathering people?
8:18 how do you put everyone together in?
12:30 being 18 makes you an adult? Or is it just a number?
16:36 ripple effect in a relationship

Sunday Jun 20, 2021
#62 ~ 30 Minutes Can Change Your Life with Kathe Downs
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
In this episode, I talk with Kathe Downs, owner-operator of LX FIT CAMP, an Online fitness coach. Her story is full of inspiration and motivation and I’m sure you want to learn more about how she became a coaching fitness expert. You can learn from her how to look at obstacles as opportunities for growth.
Read the full show notes --> Alaska Tracy Podcast
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Wednesday May 26, 2021
#61 - Feminine Sales Power with Sarah Michael
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Sarah Michael, an expert in feminine leadership and founder of Sparkling Results Coaching, shares with us her secret to high-ticket sales: taking masculine and feminine energies from romantic relationships and bringing them into the business world. With an extensive background in marketing and business Sarah shares her experience of moving from bankruptcy work in NYC to coaching mission-driven entrepreneurs. To connect more with Sarah, go to www.sparkleresultscoaching.com.
Read the full script notes --> Alaska Tracy Podcast

Friday Apr 30, 2021
#60 ~ Take Your Business Online with Eric Schwartzman
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021
In this episode, I talk with Speaker, Author, and Consultant Eric Schwartzman on his new book, The Digital Pivot - Secrets of Online Marketing. If you’re someone who wants to learn how to move your business online, Eric shares some invaluable tips that you won’t want to miss: from growing his own company and getting big-name customers, to outsourcing a business, and the 4 steps to online business success. For more information on Eric and to grab a copy of his book, you can visit www.ericschwartzman.com or www.digitalpivotbook.com.
If you are looking to move your business online, struggling to get the ball rolling, or you’re ready for some next-steps you can use right away, listen to the success story about a man whose business has taken him from Hollywood to Microsoft to backstage at the Grammys.
Eric Schwartzman, Speaker, Author, Consultant, and Digital Marketing Extraordinaire shares all about his new book, The Digital Pivot - Secrets of Online Marketing, and gives us a peek into his successful career. From his film school beginnings, Eric shares his experience of discovering his calling as a Marketer, how he was able to grow multiple businesses and how he became an authority in the marketing world. Eric walks us through how he wrote his first book, and why writing and publishing the second one was much different the next time around.
Helping small businesses find success online is what Eric is all about. He generously shares some of the secrets he used to help many online businesses, as well as his own, such as using sequencing to accelerate your business and when and why you should outsource the work you do. You can hear all that and more in the episode, but you’ll get every secret from his book:
The Digital Pivot - Secrets of Online Marketing is the perfect book for the general business owner who’s ready or currently working on moving their business online. This book offers a “full overview” with clear explanations and hands-on strategies you can use immediately. You can hear a few of those strategies right here! Check the timestamps below.
Eric is truly an inspiration, and it was an honor speaking with him. In just 32 minutes together I learned more than I thought possible about finding success online.
To learn more, visit his website at www.ericschwartzman.com and grab his book at www.digitalpivotbook.com.
1:29 Eric’s Journey to Authorship
4:25 Frustrations from the First Book